
Content & Media

Platform Features

One of the areas we've had extra fun is NetSuite's web stack and CMS technology. We've been able to work with several API versions, from Denali through Aconcagua. We had fantastic opportunities developing custom extensions, porting code from other platforms, face lifting websites, or just implementing and extending functionalities. We've also implemented our lean software development approach successfully to make the development cycle a direct, smoother process.

Here is a short description of individual experience on each web technology:

  • SuiteCommerce Advanced: We've developed numerous SCA websites. During these projects, we worked to improve the UI/UX, implement new processes, enhance the responsive design, setting up security, and even had our amazing designer involved in facelifting customer's websites. In general, we've worked during the whole software development cycle from requirements definition to testing and production release.

We've managed to have a more user-friendly CMS tool, to ease the work for content administrators. By building aesthetic and customizable view components, we allowed a more flexible and enjoyable experience when editing.

Another field where we've successfully help our clients is application and API integration within SCA. We've followed different architectures to achieve this, including managing integration from NetSuite ERP itself, middlewares and right on top of SCA.

  • SiteBuilder: We've worked on multiple projects to configure, extend, and customize e-commerce sites. Our team enhanced frontend functionality, such as layers, templates, styling, and responsiveness. We have built several requirements to improve the shopping experience, product catalogs, checkout, and payment processing.

We also worked developing custom extensions to publish them as SuiteApps for third party vendors. This opportunity allowed us to discover the obscure parts of SiteBuilder and gave us the knowledge to integrate different technologies and approach many features that would be constrained otherwise.

We've also been successful in integrating SiteBuilder websites with other third-party APIs.

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